Jewish Community of Sedona and the Verde Valley Synagogue

Adult Jewish Education

The Adult Jewish Education Committee Presents

Learning and Listening About Israel

Tuesday, September 10, 2024
3:00 – 4:30 pm (MST)

Part-1 will be hosted by congregant Denise Israel.  Denise is a member of Women Wage Peace the largest peace movement in Israel who are promoting a way forward that seeks a solution that does not involve the use of military means. The goal of her talk is not to advocate for a specific solution but to air feelings and engage in a dialogue with fellow JSCVV members.

For Zoom link, see JCSVV Events of the Week emailed to members, or call (928) 204-1286 for additional information.

Tuesday, September 17, 2024
3:00 – 4:30 pm (MST)

Part-2 will be hosted by screenwriter, director, producer, author and former JCSVV member, Dan Gordon. He is a retired Captain in the Givati Infantry Brigade, having served before that as an IDF Military Spokesperson in the Second Lebanon War (2006) and in three conflicts with Hamas. He recently completed a four-part documentary series entitled Illusions Lost shot in Israel and Gaza.

For Zoom link, see JCSVV Events of the Week emailed to members, or call (928) 204-1286 for additional information.

The Adult Jewish Education Committee promotes classes, seminars, lectures, workshops, and unique special programing, covering a wide range of topics in all key areas of what it means to be Jewish. Adult Ed offerings continually expand and deepen Jewish identity, while promoting a connection to and the continuity of the Jewish people.

Click Here to email the Adult Jewish Education Committee with questions or interest in getting involved.