Jewish Community of Sedona and the Verde Valley Synagogue

Erev Shabbat Services – Shabbat Shira

February 3, 2023    
5:30 pm - 6:30 pm

Led by Rabbi Alicia Magal

Welcome in Shabbat with this joyous service of song, blessings, Torah reading, and Kaddish, mourner’s prayer. 

The Torah portion Beshallach in Exodus contains the Song of the Sea, a poetic description of the Israelites’ crossing the sea on dry land under the leadership of Moses. This “song” led to the special title of the Shabbat as Shabbat Shira, the Sabbath of Song. It contains the verse “Mi chamocha ba-elim Adonai” in wonder at the miracle by the Holy One which we sing at every service throughout the singer.

The Shalom Singers with the musical accompaniment and direction of Katherine LaTorraca will enhance the service with their beautiful and harmonious melodies.

Everyone is welcome. We hope you will join us.

5:30 pm (MST)

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